Constructive Self Criticism


Start With What You Can Change – There are certain global issues that you can do little to nothing to have a positive impact on. But by changing your opinion and reaction to external situations, you will be able to cope that much better. True, the world is a gruesome place, but by being the positive person in the light of all the dark, you can begin the change at a micro level.

Focus On The Problem, Not The Self – We are human and therefore, not perfect. Nobody is. You may see people who you assume have everything going right in their lives, but you don’t know their personal struggles. If there is something you are looking to change, concentrate on that situation without taking it personally. The very fact that you are willing to face your fears says a lot about your self-truth and integrity. By doing this, you are looking at the real problem that could be an addiction, a bad habit, dark thoughts, etc. without blaming yourself. That is when actual positive change can take place.

Use Every Negative With A Positive – You may have learnt this in science – a positive and a negative charge make a neutral charge. With everything you find WRONG with yourself, find something GOOD in yourself! For example, if you have a problem with your current hairstyle, complement your face that was able to hold up that cut! You can only defeat the darkness with the light.

Complement Yourself Just As Often As You Criticize – Taking a point from the previous point, you need to balance the negative with the positive. When we achieve something, no matter how small or big it is, we usually just take it with a pinch of salt, feeling that we are being humble and all that jazz. Yet when we find that one wrong thing in us, we self-berate and harp on that one negative aspect. If you are going to criticize yourself with such gusto, have the same energy when you want to say something nice as well!

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